Shmuel Gershon
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Hi! I've been testing software and firmware (embedded SW) for a while. I like the testing subject very much, and this is my opportunity to add my two cents to it. I am no keynoting expert (yet?), but two cents everybody has in his pockets... so enjoy, and let me know your Testing Thoughts!
Yahoo Messenger: spgarzon
Jabber/GTalk: sgershon
Posts by Shmuel Gershon
2020 – the year that tested us. Happy New Testing Year!
Friday, January 1st, 2021Tags: New Year, testing
Posted in Test Insight | 1 Comment
Train Trainings, or missing the train for fun and profit
Thursday, November 5th, 2015Posted in Personal, Test Insight | 2 Comments
The Big Exploratory Testing Rolling Strategy Dice
Thursday, August 25th, 2011Tags: Dice, exploratory, heuristic, Issi, learning, Rolling, Strategy, Teaching, testing
Posted in Nerd T35t1ng, Test Insight | 22 Comments
Rapid Reporter still available even though server error
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011Posted in Personal | 10 Comments
Lightning Talks night with EuroStar 2010 (the Rebel Alliance, a conference after the conference with beer)
Tuesday, December 7th, 2010Tags: 2010, beer, conference, eurostar, fun, Lightning, Lightning Talks, night, party, peer, Rebel Alliance, Talks
Posted in Nerd T35t1ng, Personal, Test Insight | 24 Comments
Alternative Paths for Self-Education in Software Testing by Markus Gaertner (EuroStar talk)
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010Tags: alternative, conference, education, eurostar, learn, lecture, live, Markus, notes
Posted in Nerd T35t1ng, Test Annotations, Test Insight | 11 Comments
How do you evaluate testers? A question from StackExchange
Sunday, October 3rd, 2010Tags: contribution, evaluate, evaluation, grade, grading, performance, rate, review, stackexchange, team, tester, testers
Posted in Ask the Tester, Test Insight | 20 Comments