This page presents a note taking application that aids in the reporting process of SBTM – Session Based Test Managements.
SBTM is a method for managing exploratory tests, which relies on notes taken during an uninterrupted testing session and a review of these notes afterwards. The notes being the most important part of the whole method, there are many techniques and suggestions on how to carry them on, and some applications that help you do and review them.
This is one of these tools, and you can learn about SBTM here.
Rapid Reporter |
Windows Direct Download! User Guide Session Sample Note: Application requires .NET 3.5 |
Mac Direct Download! Mac User Guide Note: Application requires OS X 10.10 or above |
This tool wasn’t born, however, from a study of all the steps in SBTM (although it is based on such).
It was born from careful observation of sessions performed by me and other testers, and observation of session reviews.
During such observations, we noticed a few things on the dynamics of note taking and review.
For example, we noticed between other points that:
- notes should be easy and quick to take, or there will be fewer/poorer notes
- dealing with the structure of the session report *during* the tests session deviates attention, slows the cognitive process and makes it boring
- if the session reports aren’t computerized, doing a final report is a nightmare (we had tried hand-written notes for a while for their simplicity, bad idea)
- session reports that are grouped by section lose their chronology (The two SBTM tools linked above sort by section)
- session reports in binary format are harder to work with as you cannot index, grep or manipulate easily…
Observations like these guided the design of Rapid Reporter.
The tool iterated during many versions where it was tweaked to fit my friend’s reporting activities. Any module that wasn’t immediately necessary for reporting a testing step was removed, and the others made more straightforward.
The result has the following benefits:
- A tool that is standalone (no installation required), can be used across different computers from your USB disk-on-key.
- It is yellow and always-on-top, so testers don’t need to look for it on their desktop.
- Notes are taken one by one, in one-liners. Note types (our name for ‘sections’) can be changed while you type by using directional keys.
- To augment the one-liner notes, the application can take screenshots on-demand, and provides an extended rich text format notes area.
- All notes are saved in CSV text files, which combine plain text flexibility with spreadsheet manipulation power.
Tool’s known issues:
- Windows Only (XP/Vista/7, 32/64).
- Requires .NET 3.5 :(. If it is an impediment for you, please let me know, I am considering a non-.NET migration.
- Maximize function works poorly or in very weird manners.
- Other issues that can be seen at the known issues list.
If you are so kind, please report issues to or at the comments below.
Rapid Reporter |
Windows Direct Download! User Guide Session Sample Note: Application requires .NET 3.5 |
Mac Direct Download! Mac User Guide Note: Application requires OS X 10.10 or above |
Q: | I need the notes of what I write available as I go, to learn from my path of thought. Can I do that? |
A: | Sure! Rapid Reporter offers three ways to do that. . a) Use the extended note area: The content here is persistent until you delete it. If it was (at least) once saved, it is available even after you delete the content. Using built in persistent note is the preferred method. . b) Look at previous notes in the history context menu: This will show you all the previous notes, and you can see from here the cognitive progress you’ve passed through. . c) Open the working folder: By right clicking the golden area, you can open the current working directory, and there you have full direct raw access to all the notes, attachments and extensions you logged during this (or a previous) session. |
Q: | “Setup “, “Note “, “Test “, “Check “, “Bug “, “Question “, “Next Time ” are good types for notes. But at my company we use different terms. Can I change that? |
A: | Sure! Start Rapid Reporter from command line, and follow the command with the list of words you’d want to use as note types. For example, executing: C:\prompt\> RapidReporter.exe Comment OffCharter Defect Verification TestNumber Will start Rapid Reporter with “ Comment “, “OffCharter “, “Defect “, “Verification “, “TestNumber ” as note types.If you use that line in a batch file (*.bat), it becomes a matter of double-click. Easy and flexible! |
New!! This article translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Jovana Milutinovich.
#1 by Trapani porto on March 1, 2022 - 15:55
A really useful blog. I always follow. All the answers I need are available in your topic. Congratulations! It’s a great article.
#2 by kate on December 17, 2020 - 10:00
I am preparing to integrate this function into my small website. I have no idea. I will try this article
#3 by Anonymous on October 16, 2020 - 12:18
Hi, this is an awesome tool!
I’ve some feedback actually, can you make an option which area to be taken for screenshot? i.e. we usually omit the address bar (browser), and taskbar
#4 by Anonymous on November 25, 2020 - 12:28
There is a workaround, by holding the SHIFT key while clicking the screenshot button.
#5 by Shmuel Gershon on March 3, 2022 - 00:29
Thanks for the question, and thanks for the answer 🙂 !
That is right, the easiest way to edit and crop the image is by clicking the shift while clicking the button.
#6 by J on April 29, 2020 - 00:51
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#7 by Vivian De Smedt on October 1, 2019 - 23:05
Thanks for Rapid Reporter. I would like my user to be able to take screenshot of their context menu but because the hot key contains the Alt key the context menu disapear before the screenshot is taken. Is there a way to circumvent this?
#8 by Shmuel Gershon on March 3, 2022 - 00:36
Vivian, thanks for the question!
The best way to take screenshots of things like that is by using our hot-key: Alt+Ctrl+F9. But as you say, pressing the Alt for the hot-key breaks the menu.
That is a nice corner-case. I think it would require to add a feature to chose different hot-keys.
I will add to the to-do list, but as Rapid Reporter fix bugs more than it adds features, I can’t give an estimate on completion. 😐
Thanks for using Rapid Reporter and reporting the things you don’t like.
#9 by jing zhao on April 12, 2019 - 09:44
I did’t set the Time until end(It’s grey) and I don’t know why everytime after I input Reporter the blue Time progress bar began to countdown
#10 by Shmuel Gershon on March 3, 2022 - 00:40
Jing, sessions start immediately after entering the name of the reporter and the charter. With the session, the time starts too.
To stop the timer, right click and select “Time until end” and “Stop timer now!”.
#11 by Max on July 9, 2018 - 07:07
Thanks for this instrument.
But could you help me with so problem?
When I try to create html report I get question marks instead chars.
When I try to prepare file .cvs in utf-8 without BOM in Notepad++ I get message “The file name [.cvs] provided is not a valid existent file…”
#12 by Shmuel Gershon on March 3, 2022 - 00:43
Hi Mark.
What do you mean by “prepare”? Can you clarify if you are creating a CSV before running Rapid Reporter?
#13 by Danilo Alarcon on June 7, 2018 - 21:45
Hi, I have a question, how make a htlm report with Rapid reporter in Mac computer?
#14 by Alvaro on January 11, 2018 - 17:41
This tool is amazing. Thank you very much for making it happen!
#15 by Anonymous on November 28, 2017 - 12:27
I love RapidReporter, but now I am on Windows 10 it has stopped working ! That is literally the message I get when I try to start it. Any ideas ?
#16 by Anonymous on January 11, 2018 - 19:19
Hello probably .net3.5 is not installed on your systems. I have already asked for .net4.6 version for win10 but still nothing happened 🙁
#17 by Shmuel Gershon on March 3, 2022 - 00:44
Rapid Reporter is now compiled with .NET4.6 so it should run on Win10 and Win11 without need for any further framework installation.
#18 by Shmuel Gershon on March 3, 2022 - 00:45
Not sure if that would be related, but Rapid Reporter is now compiled with .NET4.6 so it should run on Win10 and Win11 without need for any further framework installation.
If not this, can you please give more info on the error?
#19 by Curtis Salisbury on October 30, 2017 - 15:32
I am using Rapid Reporter and think it is a wonderful tool. My only complaint thus far is that I cannot open a previous session, for example, I needed to reboot my computer mid-session and now I need to start over again.
#20 by Shmuel Gershon on November 25, 2017 - 22:56
Curtis, thanks for the comment.
I am thinking about your suggestion, and slowly getting to like it :). Can’t give you a date on implementation, but it may be one of the next changes.
#21 by Andrea Huttner on November 27, 2017 - 09:04
I’d love that feature too!
#22 by Andrea Huttner on October 12, 2017 - 10:28
Hi Shmuel,
I just downloaded RapidReporter, and was looking forward to using it as I heard so much good feedback.
However, when I start it, I can enter Name and charter, but then get stuck on the setup page. I enter the setup and hit enter, and get displayed setup over and over again.
Any ideas ?
#23 by Shmuel Gershon on October 25, 2017 - 16:12
Andrea, hi – thank you for your question!
Rapid Reporter starts with the following note types as default:
Setup / Note / Test / Check / Bug / Question / Next Time
As soon as you enter the tester’s name and the charter, you are in testing mode! Keep writing your notes, and changing the note type by pressing the Up and Down key (so you change the note type without taking your hands from the keyboard). All the while Rapid Reporter organizes your notes for you.
Please have a look at the Rapid Reporter Readme, which is also linked in the page. It has a lot of useful information.
#24 by Vladimir on September 4, 2017 - 08:45
Hello, Could you please create a version which does not use too old .net 3.x but some newer one? On windows 10 installing .net 3.x is not recommended. Thank you. I love this tool and I do not want to say good-bye.
#25 by Shmuel Gershon on October 25, 2017 - 16:26
Hi Vladimir!
Yes, that should not be a problem!
Meanwhile, are you sure Win10 does not run RapidReporter just as it is? I tried on a newly built Windows 10 machine and it didn’t require anything extra other than downloading RapidReporter and executing it.
If you have it easily, can you please share a screenshot of the error it shows when you run it without a special .NET 3.5 installation?
Thanks for writing!
#26 by Vladimir on October 25, 2017 - 16:27
Thank you for your response.
I have checked it on three laptops with Windows 10 Enterprise and we do not have .net 3.5 there.
There is a message that it needs .net 3.5 and a link to download it. Standard windows .net required dialogue (1. screenshot)
Would it be possible to upgrade source code to VS2017 or what? It would help me a lot.
Thank you for creating such great tool. I do use it a lot and now my colleagues too.
#27 by Shmuel Gershon on October 25, 2017 - 16:28
Will recompile with .NET 4 as base.
Interestingly enough, the first versions were actually .NET4, but in previous versions of Windows .NET4 had to be installed separately so users asked to compile it in .NET3.
I guess enough time has passed and now the request is the opposite :).
#28 by Garima on November 20, 2018 - 12:47
Hi, by when it will be done?
#29 by Shmuel Gershon on March 3, 2022 - 00:41
Hi Garima!
Rapid Reporter is now compiled with .NET4.6 so it should run on Win10 and Win11 without need for any further framework installation.
#30 by Michael Sunderlin on May 25, 2017 - 14:30
Love this tool! Just wish it could be configured to insert the results into an SQL database. That way all testers’ results would be in a central repository. That way they could search it for tests others have done and it could be used as a training tool.
Any chance of adding that? Currently, I’m looking to import the csv files into the database myself but not being a programmer I’m looking at a long road ahead of me 🙂
Thanks for the tool though!!!
#31 by Shmuel Gershon on November 25, 2017 - 23:04
Michael, thanks for writing!
Most (many?) of the SQL management tools have an “import from CSV” function. What software do you use to manage the SQL database?
Without that, perhaps your best option will be a tool like this CSV2SQL converter: . It doesn’t require a download, and I tried it with Rapid Reporter CSV’s and it is able to create INSERT scripts with the correct column names with no extra work other than dragging Rapid Reporter’s CSV to the page.
Hope it helps you in what you need!
#32 by Bert Igodt on January 12, 2017 - 23:56
Hi, great tool, not only for testing, but for any exploratory notetaking (like finding information on certain topics around the web). One question though. Is it possible to make the URL’s clickable in the html version of the generated report? That would be a great addition!
#33 by Shmuel Gershon on November 25, 2017 - 23:07
Hi Bert!
Can you help me understand the request? The image and extended notes attached have clickable links once you generate the HTML.
#34 by Sudarshan R on July 25, 2016 - 11:47
Tool is great.
I have one problem though. While using the screenshot or the rtf option, the csv file records two rows : 1. autogenerated row and 2. a row with the required comment. Can this spurious row be avoided?
#35 by giftgiverson on July 6, 2016 - 15:41
Very nice tool indeed.
One problem I have is the pop-up messages shown for the -report and -tohtml commands. I want to place this in a script and need a way to suppress any UI interaction (I’m scanning reports form many people to identify bug submissions and extract html reports from those).
#36 by dialex11 on April 28, 2016 - 14:55
Please make yourself an “identified developer” because I can’t use your app otherwise (and I’m not allowed to change the security setting that enables me to use your app) 🙁
#37 by Toni on January 6, 2016 - 16:07
Hi, I have a quick question (hopefully a quick one anyway!).
I was trying this tool out and I have 3 screens. I was using the 2nd screen to practice and the tool was displayed on the 2nd screen also. When taking screenshots using just the camera icon it would save a screenshot of all 3 screens. Which is fine, but not the output I wanted.
So, to stop getting all 3 screens I used the Shift and Camera icon together to get a single (editable) screen. However, this took a screenshot of the 1st screen, which is not the screen that I was working on and therefore not what I wanted.
Is there a way around this please? Or can you only get a single screenshot from the 1st screen in my setup?
Pingback: Rapid Reporting - Rob Lambert
Pingback: Scraps, Information, Management and Notes - Rob Lambert
#38 by Rique on November 5, 2015 - 21:05
Hi, i have finished my first test session, but when i want to convert the CSV document to html, the system shows up an error message: “Ouch An error occured when trying to write the note into a file…” and list the possible causes and solutions. I checked the folder and the file configuration for the command execution and it’s correct, i also made sure that no other application is using the folder, or that the current file isn’t open. Could you tell me What can i do to fix this issue?.
If it helps: The file that is saved after the error it’s still a CSV but it doesn’t have any information but html code without the images and notes taken in the previous session.
Thank you for any information.
#39 by Mark on September 24, 2015 - 10:11
This is an excellent tool. Thank you!
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#40 by Kirsty on July 17, 2015 - 16:07
Hi, Trying out this tool for taking notes during testing and for taking notes during R&D
So far it looks really great 🙂 I can see a lot of potential uses for it.
Thanks for the great work.
Pingback: xBTM: Harnessing the Power of Exploratory Testing - Thinking Through Testing
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#41 by YAR Testing on February 3, 2015 - 17:19
hi Shumel,
i can not get out the set up step.. looks like it stuck in an infinite loop. I read the manual twice but i can not solve this problem – can u give a hand ?
#42 by Petr Kolacek on April 21, 2015 - 18:58
Hi there, when you start this app you need to write the reporter and charter. Then you are allowed to scrool through the other options (like setup, test, etc.) by pressing arrow keys 😉
#43 by Raj on May 7, 2015 - 19:44
Use Down Arrow Key to get out from setup…..hope this helps
#44 by Shmuel Gershon on October 25, 2017 - 16:16
Hi! Great and thanks for asking questions!
Rapid Reporter starts with the following note types as default:
Setup / Note / Test / Check / Bug / Question / Next Time
is simple the first of the note types. As soon as you enter the tester’s name and the charter, you are in testing mode! Keep writing your notes, and changing the note type by pressing the Up and Down key (so you change the note type without taking your hands from the keyboard). All the while Rapid Reporter organizes your notes for you.Please have a look at the Rapid Reporter Readme, which is also linked in the page. It has a lot of useful information.
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#45 by Lebo Direro on January 13, 2015 - 13:02
I am not sure of what to enter in the “Setup”. Does it refers to URL that we want to Test?
#46 by Nicolás on February 2, 2015 - 14:17
Hi!, I’m not really sure for what it’s actually for. But on my company we use it to define test preconditions. e.g., being present at a certain page, site, being logged as a guest/registered user, that sort of thing.
Hope it helps!
#47 by YAR Testingi on January 8, 2015 - 22:57
Hello thanks for this tool it seems promising however, i have installed it and i seem to be able to go through infinite loop on setup section. I dont go beyond this section.. i am doing something wrong.
#48 by Nicolás on February 2, 2015 - 14:21
Hi, tester fellow! Not really sure what have you downloaded that required installation, but the rapid reporter I have download is portable and ready for use as you execute it.
Hope it helps.
#49 by Andrea Huttner on October 12, 2017 - 10:30
Same problem for me! Have you had an answer to this ?
#50 by Shmuel Gershon on November 25, 2017 - 22:57
See my answer on this comment: .
Thanks, Andrea!
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#51 by Neha on November 11, 2014 - 14:21
Hi, I have installed Rapid Reporter but I am not sure of what to enter in the “Setup”. Does it refer to the URL of the application we want to test?
Please guide me.
#52 by Nicolás on February 2, 2015 - 14:20
Hi!, I’m not really sure for what it’s actually for. But on my company we use it to define test preconditions. e.g., being present at a certain page, site, being logged as a guest/registered user, that sort of thing.
Hope it helps!
#53 by Chet on October 22, 2014 - 04:03
I just can use the “Setup“, but cannot user the “Note“, “Test“, “Check“, “Bug“, “Question“, “Next Time” by default, what’s the problem?
#54 by Nicolás on February 2, 2015 - 14:19
Use the “up” and “down” arrows of your keyboard to change between note types.
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